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Phil Carey 

Like Sammi, Phil was born into a loving and supportive family. He left school as soon as he was legally allowed He eventually found his way into the media where he worked as a journalist, producer, and presenter for 40 years. He and his beautiful wife have four sons: an actor, an economist, a real estate buyer’s agent, and a gaming streamer. He not so patiently awaits grandchildren. He loves making people laugh and is always looking for new things to learn because he believes this helps you better understand and enjoy life.

Marcin Piwowarski 

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Marcin Piwowarski is an abstract painter and illustrator of over 150 widely known children's books. His illustrated creations are both natural (mostly acrylic) and advanced computer paintings. The variety of styles, from fresh, colorful, packed with great humor through poetic ones, marks his illustrations out with a very characteristic line. He also indulges in successfully working as a freelance illustrator for over 15 years.

Marcin has three children. The clients list ranges from the best Polish to well known worldwide publishers.

©2021 by Sammi The Helicopter Dog. AKA Cornerstone Media Pty Ltd

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